It would be nice to be able to measure distance and radials from navaids.
For example, right click a VOR/DME, select “Measure”, drag the mouse around and have a line show distance and radial from the selected VOR/DME as the mouse moves. Click again to have the line stay on the map.
This would be really useful when planning VFR flights. Adding the VOR/DME to the flight plan and selecting a new point on the map is not always enough as the same VOR/DME may be used for multiple legs. It may also not be a single straight line to/from the VOR when navigating around obstacles for example.
This is the feature I most hope to find. When planning a VFR flight using VORs, it’s extremely useful to be able to use a second VOR to create the targeted intersection of two radials. I can’t really do that with a “cyber chart” that doesn’t permit me to draw lines, calculate distances and measure angles.
Are such features now available (July, 2024) and I’m just not seeing them?
I know SimBrief and Navigraph hope to provide helpful cyber-flight planning, so I’d expect to see such features.