No App/Terminal Area frequencies from airports in Sao Paulo (updated airac). The only airport that have the frequencies into the sim is SBGR. (no add ons)
If I look, at navgraph Charts, the frequencies are there. But not in the sim (msfs2020).
No App/Terminal Area frequencies from airports in Sao Paulo (updated airac). The only airport that have the frequencies into the sim is SBGR. (no add ons)
If I look, at navgraph Charts, the frequencies are there. But not in the sim (msfs2020).
Welcome to Navigraph, and thank you very much for the report and the details.
I can confirm the missing frequencies, and I have tried to find out why this happened because, as you mentioned, we have all these frequencies available.
It could be a bug in the parser, but I need more time to analyze the issue. Therefore, please be a little bit patient. I will keep open this posting and will come back when I have found the mistake and, of course when I know how to fix it or when it´s fixed.
Thank you very, very much for this report!