Please help! Data Manager does not update MD11/MD80 ARAC . I contacted Rotate, and they said to contact you. They also recommended a manual update, which made no sense to me, and when I tried it, It didn’t work. I am obviously doing something wrong. All the other acft I use are updating. I would truly appreciate some detailed instruction on how to do this . Thank you
Make sure you have the Rotate MD80 folder in …your \X-Plane 11\Aircraft.
Make sure you have the latest FMS Data Manager installed.
In FMS Data Manager Settings, check you have the correct X-Plane 11 path.
In Addon Mappings select Remove X-Plane 11 and X-plane 11 addons. Press Scan and Save. Hopefully your Rotate MD80 will have been detected and you can select and Update in Addon List.
it worked!!! Thank you so much for your help!
You are welcome. Glad it is resolved.
Happy flying.
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