There is now both a Rotate MD11F (freighter) and MD11P (passenger), but the FMS manger will only select one aircraft, how do you duplicate the different aircraft files to update both? In fact it creates a completely new data folder for MD11 and just inserts the data?
Are these really two different addons, in different locations? Or why do you need a duplicate entry in the FMS Data Manager?
Two different addons in the same aircraft folder (X-Plane12), One is the Freighter version released two years ago, the new one is the Passenger version of the MD11 released a few weeks ago, both are from the same developer Rotate. But Navigraph FMS data manager will only recognise one MD-11
Thank you very much for the details, but I´m a little bit lost here … are you able to take a screenshot of the two Rotate MD-11 folders inside your XP12 aircraft folder so that I can see the folder names?
Thank you very much for your help. I have also added the new Passenger version—it should be online with the next cycle, 2411. I’m sorry, but the developer didn´t inform us about a new add-on. Without such pre-information, we would have had no chance of recognizing it earlier.
Therefore, thanks to you for the hint!
Thank You Richard, just note that the codes should be Rotate MD11F and MD11P… the -XP_12-b on the file is the beta version, as I was a beta tester, thanks for the help
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