Refund wanted

Hi i bought the subscription for 7.77 and it didnt work correctly so i cancelled it and was wondering if i can get a refund please

what was not working correctly? I don’t see any report from your side. So, please let us know what is not working and let us try to fix it together.

Thank you

The subscription it wasnt letting me load flight plans on the aircrafts and i want my money back

Kieran Moug

Please can you describe in more details, which sim you are using, which addon you are using.

Also, which flightplan, from where is the flightplan, …

We need this information, that we can help you. More details are better then less :wink:

Thank you very much

The game i am using is Microsoft flight simulator and im loading the plans from the app onto the aircrafts and its not working properly so i want my money back

Kieran Moug

Ok, which aircraft has you used in the MSFS?

Can you post a few screenshots, or describe a little bit your steps? I have seen that you have three Navigraph accounts, possible you have used the wrong one (without a subscription).

So, please let us know how and where you have tried to load the flightplan?

Please describe your steps, that we can try to reproduce your report. Thank you!


I have uses the
Atr 72

I have loaded the flight plan onto the captains tablet and when i engaged the autopilot it wasnt directing the plane it was just going straight
I want my money back please as i have now cancelled the subscription

Kieran Moug

Ok, I will try to make an example for you, that you can follow the steps. It seems more an issue on your end, or possible a knowledge issue rather a navdata issue.

Let me explain the steps and I’m sure you can follow it. Will update your posting as soon I have written a short “manual” to your case.

Thanks & have a nice evening

No no its not my end its your end its not the first time its happened so its either you refund me or i report it to the bank as a scam

Kieran Moug

Sorry, but when it would be on our end you can be sure, that we have a lot more issue reports here in the forum and also in some other forums (like MSFS).

Further, we are working very closely with the addon developer to integrate the flightplan import and you can also be sure that the addon developer would immediately inform us, when something is wrong and/or don’t work correctly. It’s also in their own interest.

You wrote its not the first time. As I have mentioned before, I can’t find any report from you, no mail, nothing. You have activate and deactivate the subscription (at least with this account) within 35 minutes and you have not inform us, that something doesn’t work in this time between.

Again, when you mean something is not working as expected, the first choice is to get in touch with the developer of this software. Norhing happens from your side.

We are still willing to help you and I will show that an import is working and the aircraft will follow the imported flightplan via autopilot. You activate a subscription and (sadly) deactivate it immediately in a very short time, without giving us a chance to help you.

No bank will see this as scam, sorry. So, when you are still interesting on an solution to your question (it is not Navigraph related!!), let me know please.

Thank you very much

Well can you help me please

Kieran Moug