I have today cancelled my subscription after many years. I was experiencing severely reduced functionality in MSFS following on-going problems with the Hub. Specifically, continued failure of decompression of updates.
“Zlib could not decompress the stream. Header length undefined.” Having spent two days trying fellow aviator’s workarounds for this problem on your forum some posts going back to early 2023, nothing worked. I am also satisfied that your technical support do not have the will, the time or the expertise to sort it out, judging by the inane responses fellow aviators have had over the months. Not good enough … sadly. Simon Watson. 28/3/24
Hi Simon,
your last posting here was from August 2022 to the chart-beta topic.
You wrote:
From which technical support do you speak here? The technical support is here in the forum but as I have mentioned before, I can´t find any posting to this topic from you here.
I understand your frustration but normally we are here to help, when we know where we should help. So (hopefully) for the next time, please post your issues here in the forum. Here are also a lot of friendly user and competent user, including our whole support team (technical and development) which are all willing to help you.
In the meantime - thank you for the past years and hopefully we’ll see you again here
Happy Easter,
Thank you for your kind response Richard. Unfortunately only ‘hard-core technical’ responses that add value, count in this game. And as I said … not good enough. Just for the record a green ‘solution’ checkmark is not appropriate for this post.
The solution is:
Contact us here. Try to explain your issue and let us know where we can help. As I have written before, I haven’t found any topic here from you to any issue. So, the support team here were not aware that you had an issue.
But anyway, I have normally closed this topic now, without the green solution checkbox marked.
Happy Easter