Real ATIS Not Showing on Mobile Devices

Doing flight on MSFS KTRM-KBFL. Real world ATIS for KBFL shows not available on both iPad and Android mobile device. Navigraph otherwise works as expected.

ATIS is available on the MSFS in app chart display.

Tested ATIS availability on other known airports in my area on iPad and Android (VNY, SMO, MRY) and all reported real world ATIS as expected.

Perhaps this is an anomaly for this one specific airport. Anyone else experience this?

Hello! Welcome to our forum!

Can you provide a screenshot of this? The in-game panel and the other apps all use the exact same source, so what you are describing sounds unexpected.

I just checked that airport right now and found no real-world ATIS reports. From our point of view, it does not look like this airport has ever had any reported real-world D-ATIS!

Kind Regards,

Hi, Malte,

Thank you for the response. It was a simple case of stupid pilotitis. Didn’t even dawn on me that it’s D-ATIS sourced. :person_facepalming:

The double whammy was that you conveniently coded the app so that if there is only a sole available source for the ATIS (in this case, PE, which provides the ATIS info independent of D-ATIS) it will automatically jump to that source, which I didn’t notice.

Anyway, mark this one solved, lol.

Love your product, keep up the GREAT work!

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Hahaha, I see - thanks for the update! I’m happy to hear that you like what we do, we’ll keep doing it!

Will mark this as solved indeed!

Kind Regards,