Quality Wings 787 Navdata Does Not Save P3Dv5

Hello to all, I am having issues updating the navdata for QW787, it is stuck in the 05/DEC/2019 - 02/JAN/2020 AIRAC 1913 and the FMS manager for some reason does not save it. The QW787 is not auto detected by the FMS manager, I had to manually type in the add on, then I had to manually map it, and still with no luck, please help, I don’t have this issue with the other add ons, they have the updated AIRAC. Please help.

Nafsir Khandaker

Hi Nafsir,


In FMS Data Manager Settings, make sure you have the latest version:

If not please download and install from FMS Data Manager .

In Settings, make sure your Prepar3D v5 path is correct:

In Addon Mappings, Remove entry:

Press Save.
Press Scan. If no QW 787 detected , press +Add, Choose QualityWings - The Ultimate 787 Collection, Install into Prepar3D v5.
Press Save

You should be able to update QW 787 in Addon List

Please let us know how you get on.


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