PMO / LICJ ILS data missing

Palermo airport has published ILS approaches, yet using Navigraph’s latest AIRAC, the FMS only shows LOC approaches (Fenix/MSFS, FSLabs/P3D).
I hear this issue has been going on for years now, could this be finally resolved?

the LOC approach is correct so far because the missed approach starts prior the runway threshold and therefore you can’t code this as ILS.

But also when you select the LOC approach, you can use the fully ILS because the glideslope antenna is there and will also be received from the addons.

Hope that helps

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Interesting. Wasn‘t aware of that.

So how would real pilots do this? Select the LOC approach in the box and then just switch on the ILS button on the FCU (Airbus) regardless of the FINAL APP mode not liking this? Or would they just manually enter the ILS freq and course without selecting a specific approach? Is there maybe a video somewhere that illustrates this LOC approach while following the g/s situation?

Sorry, I can’t answer this because I’m not a real pilot … Possible someone else here can help you. I assume, they select the LOC approach in the FMC and follow the ILS because the freq is the same. The only difference (between the ILS and LOC) is the minimas and the starting point of the missed approach.

But how a crew handlestl this in real life, I don’t know sorry.


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