Plugin Navigraph Avionics

Da ieri tento di installare Navigraph Avionics su TBM 930.
Quando cerco di inserire il codice mi appare sempre la scritta "il codice è scaduto, non validoo già collegato ad un’app.
errore 936e3411-1036-4435-9c22-e97bad3a20d4
Come devo comportarmi?
Grazie per l’assistenza



Please post in English.


I have been trying to install Navigraph Avionics on TBM930 since yesterdey.
Wen I try to enter the code I always get the message "the code is expired, invalid or already linked to an app. Error 936e3411-1036-4435-9c22-e97bad3a20d4.
What should I do?
Thanks you for assistanc

Congrats on the G3000/5000 integration….do we have a rough timeline on chart integration for the CJ4 yet?


No timeline and we generally don’t give ETAs. But it is on our radar!




Could you please try it again, and make sure you copy the code correctly? Even better, click the blue link shown on the login screen, it will open the correct link and prefill the code for you.

If it still doesn’t work, please scan the QR code with your phone, and sign in there.

Kind regards,


Solved,thank you for your cooperation

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