Path wrongly drawn for ILS in the APP and NAVDATA

Not sure if this post should be here.
The issue I found was for SCTE, all ILS options draw a curve on final instead of a straight line. This is the first time it happens on the Navigraph APP (last update). In the past, only the FENIX A320 used to has this problem, while 737 PMDG and G1000 (MSFS) had the correct path drawn. This situation happens now for all aircrafts that use the NAVDATA.
The picture is attached here.



Thank you for the report. We are investigsting.

Do you also see this odd rendering in the aircraft avionics? If so please also share some screenshots from these.




We have now issued a fix for this issue. Please reload the flight!

Kind regards,


Hi Stephen,

Here are attached pictures from Fenix A320 and PMDG 737 for both ILS:

FENIX A320 (you can see both are wrong)

Normally I fixe ILS Z by adding SARSU and SELKO manually into the FMC. ILS Y is fixed by going HDG from MON.

PMDG 737 (working now as intended)

It seems the Fenix gets the plotting wrong. I think it cannot be solved by navdata.

I checked on the APP and the path for both ILS is indeed fixed. Thanks!