P3Dv4.5 iFly 737NG - crash


I’ve updated to 2310 v1 for the “iFLY 737NG 3.2.2 (and above)” data set, but now when I load that particular aircraft P3Dv4.5 crashes to desktop.

If I revert back to the 2309 data set the aircraft loads successfully.

Note that other aircraft work without issue with their respective 2310 data sets, so I presume this is a specific issue to the aircraft’s data set only.

Could this be looked into please?

Many thanks


After some testing, I’ve narrowed this down to the WPNAVFIX.txt file. If I use this file from 2309 with the 2310 dataset, the aircraft loads successfully.

Hi Phil,
I don´t have P3Dv45 installed but P3Dv5 and I will test this … The database is for all P3D versions the same, so when there is really an issue in any navdata file, it will be happen with all P3D version.

Thanks - cheers,

Hi Phil,
no crahs here:

P3Dv5 - iFly 737:

Again, this version does use exactly the same data as for all other P3D version, so I assume either a addon issue - or an issue somewhere on your system. Is the iFly 737 up2date?


PS: the strange thing is, that the iFly 737 is very popular with a huge amount of downloads on each cycle, but we haven´t received any other report, like this.

Hi again Phil,
I have also tried the FSX version of the iFly to use 100% the same data, iFLY 737NG 3.2.2 (and above), as you - also here, no crash, I can use the data as expected and that´s with FSX:

FSX iFly 737NG for FSX 3.2.1

Also here, the dataset is 100% the same as for the P3D version

Sorry, but I can´t reproduce it …

Like Phil I am using P3D v4.5 and have the same issue. I don’t have P3D v5 so cannot test that platform.


I will post a question in the iFly forum, possible I get an answer. Again, the database is the same for all sim versions from FSX on and it’s unclear for me, why a dataset works in FSX but not in P3Dv45. I still assume an issue in the specific P3Dv45 version of iFly but I will try to find it out in their forum.


PS: can you confirm, that you have the latest version iFly v3.2.3.4 installes

Hi Richard, yes, I have the latest installer v3.2.3.4.

@Doug, thanks for confirming it’s not just me!

Thanks to all that tested as well. :slight_smile:


Hi Phil,
thank you … I will make a posting in the iFly forum about this issue to identify the issue because as I wrote, I can’t reproduce it.


Hi again,
I´m currently downloading P3Dv4 and will test it in the same way - that I can reproduce it.


Hi Richard, that’s great. Looks like somebody on the iFly forum has reported the same issue with the same sim version.




Yes I have v3.2.3.4 installed. Also I tried the WPNAVFIX.txt file from 2309 and the aircraft loads and flies successfully.



thanks Doug. I still assume any issue (limitation) in the iFly addon with this version. It makes no sense, when one and the same file works in FSX, in P3Dv6 but not in P3Dv4.

But again, P3Dv4 is installed now on my system and I will check it now.



This is an iFly 737 bug in P3Dv4 … I can confirm the crash and it´s reproduceable.

The reason seems to be the number of waypoints in the wpnavfix.txt file. When the file contains more then 300031 lines, the sim crashed.

I have attached two zip-files where you can simulate this - both are from AIRAC 2310 and are identical but one has 300032 lines (crashed) and one has one line less 300031 (no crash):

  1. wpnavfix.txt file with 300032 lines → CTD
    WPNAVFIX_2310_300032_lines_crash.zip (3.9 MB)

  2. wpnavfix.txt file with 300031 lines → no CTD, iFly 737 is loading normally
    WPNAVFIX_2310_300031_lines_no_crash.zip (3.9 MB)

So, it looks as if there is a hard-limit in this version, but really more details can only be traced by iFly.
Sorry, it´s an iFly issue and not a navdata issue.


PS: AIRAC 2309 had 299247 waypoints/lines in the wpnavfix.txt file - therefore it was working too

Thanks for the help investigating, really appreciate it.

I’ll head over to the iFly forum to progress things there with the info you’ve given.


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Thanks Phil - what I don´t understand is, why they have implement a limit in the P3Dv4 version only because one and the same dataset is working as an example in the FSX version, and also in P3Dv6. Here you don´t get any CTD…

… but anyway, hope they can fix it because I don´t know how I should fix it without loosing waypoints.


Hi everyone,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. For now it seems that only our NG at P3D v4 is affected, but our entire product range will be updated.

Please see the following topic regarding;



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Perfect support Jannie - well done iFly!

Thanks for your feedback and let me know, when I can help you in any case …


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Same to you Richard!
Thanks for troubleshooting and narrowing down the issue. Saving us a lot of time!

I changed in p3d v45 the WPNAVFIX 2310 with WPNAFFIX 2310 300031 and now i don’t have crashes.
I hope iFly wil gig a solution for the futures.

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