Old deleted flight plan keeps appearing

A deleted flight plan keeps appearing in all my a320 efb when I download simbrief flight plan.
This flight plan has been deleted in Navigraph and in Simbrief. How do I ger rid of it please help so I can import new flights in my efb

Hi, simply generate a new flight in SimBrief. The new flight will replace the old one when importing.

Best regards,

Ive done that and it does not work. I deleted both navigraph and simbrief and deleted all flite plans from both and the old flite plan which does not appear in either program shows up when i download in any efb in both fenix and inibuilds a320. I can see newly generated flites in simbrief but they do not load into the a320. the old fliteplan is stuck in both efb and mcdu

any ideas on this. dont know where the old flite plan is pulling from

What flight plan is showing when you go to:




Hi Tim,

Its the flite plan that keeps importing. Do I have to delete that to resolve my problem? If so how do I delete it out of dispatch?

Im all set… That was it. Thank you for your help. You guys are great.

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