OFP download to EFB SIMLINK

Simbrief does not download OFP to EFB A20v2 even when signed in (options). I am signed in. Anyone else have this issue?



Make sure you have entered the SimBrief Pilot ID (number) into EFB Settings.


Good day! I have and my ID shows up in both the EFB and MCDU. However the OFP will not show up in the EFB, still shows “requesting” as well as in “weights” also. I’m using the Inibuilds A20N V2. Also,

Additionally, the payload will download to the mcdu, but all else has to be entered manually. By the time for pushback, the total flight plan disappears! Totally frustrated. Its a bust for me!

Also, I did review the suggested tutorial. Any help is appreciated. Thanks for your time!

If the flight plan disappears on pushback, it probably means the aircraft is losing power (it was most likely getting power from the ground power unit which gets disconnected during pushback).

Before pushback, make sure your APU is started, available, and that you turn ground power to OFF on the overhead so that the APU generator kicks in.



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