Hi- I fly Foreflight on my iPad and MSFS on my laptop, and am subscribed to annual Airac-only MSFS Beta via Navigraph. I am confused by Jeppesen - flying only in USA and primarily in California. I see the taxiways on the Foreflight airport charts, but no gate numbers at small airport (example KSBA Santa Barbara California). Do the Jeppesen charts include gate numbers? If I upgrade to your Jeppesen chart offering must I additionally buy higher level Foreflight subscription to ‘match’ the charts in Foreflight so they too would be Jeppesen charts? Thanks. Also, is there a way you could please shoot me a jpg image of a jeppesen sample chart for KSBA airport? I want to compare it vs the FAA chart for detail. Thank you.
Yes the Jeppesen charts include gate numbers. Here is an excerpt from the KSBA airport chart, in this case with the gate numbers in the inset (bottom left):
There is no link between our subscription and Foreflight. If you upgrade to our Ultimate subscription you get access to worldwide Jeppesen charts, but for flight simulation use only. Foreflight can be used for real world navigation and hence has a different subscription and pricing system.
Here in an excerpt from an approach chart:
Hope that helps.
Thank you for your concise explanation of the Jeppesen offerings through Navigraph. Because of the moving maps and geo referencing within Foreflight (not to mention flight planning and several other features), I would lean toward Foreflight versus Navigraph, but there IS a price point difference for SURE. At this point, I’m just returning to flight simming after a ‘burnout’ hiatus. Blame it on MSFS. As predicted, MSFS alone is ramping up a rebirth in flight simulation, and exploding hardware and software sales. A good thing for sure for y’all! And thanks for the excerpt images. I can see some value in Jeppesen.
Just to clarify, we have moving maps and chart overlays too as the Jeppesen charts are georeferenced. We also have some flight planning features, although our feature set in this regard is a bit different from Foreflight.
Have a look at our Charts Features page: Navigraph
Snippet below:
You could try a month (8.30 Euro) and see if it fits your needs, and unsubscribe if not.
Hey, Stephen…
Here’s a great question for you. I’ve noticed that while the Jeppesen charts give the gate numbers and GPS locations for said gates, they don’t pull up in the FMS.
I have been able to manually edit the airport files to make this possible but it is a pain in the, well… you know.
Couldn’t you make this a native support thing that occurs with every update? Thank you for the value you bring to the community.
Raymond Jornd
Check Six Aviation
P.S. I apologize if this post hijacks the original topic. If so, please let me know and I’ll move it to an original thread.
Sounds like a great idea - but I’m completely lost! Stephen, can you clarify, please? Thank you…
Today we only have limited gate information, unfortunately. Please also see Gate Numbers on charts - #2 by Ian
I, for one, would be good with being able to spawn at a gate that you do have information for and be able to just put my gate number into the FMC and have it populate. If you have the info, I’d say use it. I’m sure there are a whole slew of others who feel the same way.
I would agree that if you have the information available and if the pilots could put it into their FMCs that would be great particularly at the larger airports. Not clear as to which sim aircraft could actually allow the gate input however.
PMDG 737NGX allows this function on their FMC.
And I am dying for the PMDG 737NG to be brought over to MSFS (planned 2022 - per Robert Randazzo, CEO of PMDG)! Thanks.