More and more missing SID and STARS in the database. For example UHPP and PAFA. I am using FBW A 320 mod and the last airac cycle 2103 rev 3 in FS 2020.
I haven´t found any charts for UITT in the AIP Russia (at least in the international airports - possible that this is only a national airport and here are the information limited)
Here is a list of all international airports in the Russian Federation
UHPP has incorrect runway-idents in the MSFS
against the real-world:
UHPP has all terminal procedures for 16R/34L included but can´t be assigned to the incorrect runway-idents in the sim. That´s the sim logic.
For PAFA, I can´t reproduce it - here you can select all SIDs/STARs and approaches:
Here an example from the WorldMap (which uses exactly the same datafiles as the FBW A320):
thanx for your detailed answers! :-). … I found some Charts of UITT on Is working for me … The thing with the wrong Runway ident is logic …
So all SID and STARS which are visible in the menu of FS 2020 are also inside the database of the selectable in FBW Airbus, cuase both re using your installed database. Correct?
Correct Klaus … the FBW A320 uses exactly (and I mean really exactly) the same files in the sim, as when you use the WorldMap.
I have also checked this now and here are a few example of PAFA with the FBW A320: