Perhaps im missing a setting somewhere but shouldnt this new feature dynamically adjust to match the selected weather feature time if the user selects a time in the past or future to the present sim time when weather planning. So lets say its 13:00 UTC in the sim and the user wants to check the weather for landing 5 hours ahead so moves the selected weather overlay timescale slider 5 hours ahead on charts to 18:00, the day night representation should then also represent that +5 hours ahead situation and not the present time right? this way the user can see whether it will be daylight or darkness when they land at destination etc?
i cant seem to find a way to get Navigraph charts time to match the time in the simulator. Navigraph charts seems to be tied to the current UTC and there is no obvious way to change that?
This also means that the new day night representation feature is also tied to real world UTC time, which means if you are at a different time in the sim, Navigraph wont be matched to sim time?
am i doing something wrong or missing a setting somewhere?
Thanks , i have done as you suggested. and voted on the other post however my post goes further and suggests not only the ability to toggle real or sim time but also for the option for the feature to be tied to the existing weather overlay time scale to if the user selects any other time than current time or sim time.
So I would say though that as nice as this feature is at the moment it really should be made a priority to implement the ability to be able to at least toggle it (and navigraph charts) to sim time because otherwise its just inaccurate for all those who are flying at any other time than real time UTC therefore its giving a false depiction. There fore its an incomplete feature.