NavigraphSimlink_64.xpl X-Plane error

For some time I am seeing a DataRef error in my Log. Probably a year or so.
Having updated the SimLink earlier today, I still see this error regarding a deprecated entry.
Is this Dataref essential? Barometric sea level seems reasonably important in my mind.

[NavigraphSimlink_64.xpl]: Dataref ‘sim/weather/barometer_sealevel_inhg’ has been replaced. Please use the new name.
Loaded: D:\X-Plane 12/Resources/plugins/NavigraphSimlink_64.xpl (Navigraph Simlink for X-Plane).

Thanks for any resolution.

Hello! Welcome to our forum and thanks for the feedback!

It is essential if you use the telemetry feature in our Charts application, but it is not vital for Simlink’s core functionality. Regardless, we shall look into this to see if we can get rid of the message!

Kind Regards,