Navigraph IOS

After installing Navigraph Charts AP disengage Vnav disengage loosing altitudes and CRZ settings on FMS. Mac IOS

please use this and try again:

In general its very unlikely that this issue has something todo with the charts because there is no interaction between the charts and an X-Plane addon … The charts read only information but diesn’t set/write something back to any sim. This is not X-Plane specific.


I got iPad Pro m2 iOS 17 X-Plane 12 and newly it came moderate winds in all altitudes with less changes of winds directions and weathers - and not volumetric clouds and not nice change in graphic from map change landscape change

Sorry, I can’t follow you … What has this todo with the initial report now?


Are you working with making xplane 12 for iOS better graphic clouds more stronger various winds and weather and volumetric clouds

where are navigational and charts specialists, we have nothing todo with weather engines. Please ask Laminar Research … Thank you!


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