Navigraph Hub Not Installing my NavData, deletes NavData folder for PMDG 737 after failure to install

I’ve been attempting for the last 24 hours to install AIRAC 2306 to my PMDG 737-7, bought through the marketplace. I’ve gotten an assortment of errors during this process.

For example:
Zlib could not decompress the stream

Timeout of 60000 ms exceeded

Permissions errors in the folder when there are none
This too:

I’ve also tried reinstalling my 737 in the content manager several times. Each time, I notice that Navigraph Hub deletes my NavData folder every time, after showing an error, therefore leaving me with no way to use the FMC during flight for nav points, basically rendering myself to go VFR if I ever want to fly. My question is:

What am I supposed to do in this situation? My internet isn’t the issue, as I’ve completely disabled any firewall option or virus protection there was in windows (I don’t have any other AV apps), the connection is slow but not incapable, but it’s clear Navigraph Hub cannot complete the task.

Caleb S

Hi Caleb,

Please see some solutions to this issue at Navigraph Hub Zlib could not depress the stream, Header Length.

Can you try deleting all files in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\Navigraph


Hello Ian
I’ve attempted it again, and found the following error:

I can try downloading another decompressor program and see if that works, as it helped the OP of that post.

Caleb S

I just attempted a VPN to see if it might make things work.
No luck. Still haven’t gotten any NavData folder back either. What a weird problem.

Caleb S

Hi Caleb,

Can you try a different internet connection say via your mobile phone.



I don’t have the best of cellular reception at my home. Regardless, I was able to get it to attempt to install the AIRAC. It gave me the zlib error again, as well as this:
I have checked permissions for all folders containing Navigraph, the PMDG folder, the OneStore folder, etc. I have not had any luck. Are there any other suggestions you might be able to give? I could try hauling my entire computer into town where there is a better internet connection, but that would be extremely inconvenient.

Caleb S

Hi Caleb,

For extraction error please see Unable to install , Extraction Error - #2 by MarbleFlower


Because I have the marketplace version of my PMDG 737, it’s actually the Official folder that the installation files for the aircraft are in. I checked the folders, all of them are owned by me. No PMDG counter-ownership.

Caleb S

Hi Caleb,

As per In-game panel update failing on extraction - permissions error - #3 by MisBat,

Please try uninstalling Navigraph Hub, redownloading and installing latest Navigraph Hub…


Hi Ian,
I certainly hope my Navigraph Hub is up to date, as I downloaded it on Friday. Has there been a release since then?


No, but a reinstall can sometimes fix things on your system.



I reloaded it another day and it worked for me. Don’t know what or how I changed it but it seems to be working now.

Have a good one,
Caleb S

Hi Caleb,

Great to hear. Thank you for the update.

Happy flying.


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