navigraph on the Efb in the Fenix A320 hasn’t worked for several hours. I get the message not connected although it was already connected. When I then enter the code again, the message code not approved or already connected comes up. Please clarify…
As I said, it worked all the time but it hasn’t worked for a few hours now it always says “code not approved” or "The user code has expired, is invalid or is already linked to an app: “82M9BXE4”
Error ID: db0303e8-4252-4911-92c4-d8a729ff9da5
If you go to Navigraph, can you see the Fenix listed as a linked device? If so, press the Sign out button for the Fenix entry. Then relauch the Fenix EFB and see if you are able to link it again.
After many tries it worked. Thanks
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