Navigraph charts on an old tablet

Recently I’ve decided to get navigraph charts for my tablet, since while in sim integration is tolerable physical hardware is better. Unfortunately when I went to play store I was met with an unfortunate surprise - Your device is not compatible with this version. I thought it might be due to relatively old android version, since my tablet runs on Android 4.3. I then got an older version, 2.0, which I could install on my device but I couldn’t log in. I’d love to see newer version made compatible with older devices, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you just don’t care about this small chunk of your total customer base. Is there by any chance a simpler solution, maybe you can make the old app work to at least view the charts and enjoy the subscription?



As per Navigraph Charts Android requires Android Tablet/Phone 11 or later. We have basically the same code base for Charts across multiple platforms, so can’t have cut down versions for old devices.

You might check if Charts Cloud can run in your Android browser.
