I am having trouble with Navigraph data since the launch of MSFS202 Sim Update 5 (version I tried a flight using the FBW A320NX, and couldn’t get the MCDU to recognise the waypoints in my Simbrief flight plan. SIDs and STARs were not present either, and the Nav data was not showing in the World Map view.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Nav data (AIRAC 2107 rev.1) using 1.0.0 -Beta23. When I revert to stock data, the waypoints appear correctly and the SIDs and STARs are present in the MCDU.
I followed the guidance on removing the Content.xml file and tried a clean install of the FBW mod also, and still get the same issues.
Flight plan and screenshots attached:
“world map” and MCDU1-3 shows results using Navigraph data
“MCDU4-5” shows results using Stock data.
first of all thank you very much for all the details. Excellent report, which helps us a lot … much appreciated … two requests from my side:
Please update the Navigraph Client because we are out of beta since a few weeks and have released the v1 from the Navigraph Navdata Center - this is important! - here the link, when you´re sign in
May I ask, if you can upload your content.xml file here please, AFTER you have updated the NNC?
When you have updated your Navigraph Navdata Center to the current version, please press one-time on the “REMOVE” button to remove the cycle, and after that on “INSTALL” to install the cycle again. After that, please the content.xml file …
Hi James,
thank you - looks good but one additional question:
You wrote you have no SIDs/STARs - is this general, means for all airports or do you mean only LSGG? Because I have seen, that you´re using any addon-scenery for LSGG - you haven´t mentioned it …
Here from the FBW A320 stable version with our AIRAC 2107 installed - all SIDs selectable:
Hi - sorry yes I forgot to mention. I did try with the addon scenery removed from the Community folder and same issue happened. I also have the same issue with EGLL (no runways are displayed at all in the MCDU when trying to select the Arrival for EGLL).
Just to confirm - the issue is still there after the updates.
Another question James (sorry for the amount of questions):
Have you tried to select the procedures manually, means without loading the flightplan? Only departure LSGG, arrivial EGLL and then to select the dep/arrs?
Hi - not sure whether I’ve just missed an update, but I went back into Navdata Center and saw there was a Rev 2 version of the AIRAC cycle. I’ve installed it and it seems to have fixed the issue!
Great James, thanks for the feedback … I have uploaded this revision 2 for two hours but of another reason (COM frequencies adjustments). So, revision 1 had to work … but anyway, it works now and thats great.
May I ask, if you can upload your contrnt.xml fike again please? I’m curious about the change