Navigation Data API no response

i got my access token via “Device Authorization Flow with PKCE” (its from C++ desktop app, then clicking through consent page via browser,…)

then when I use that access_token, for NavData API, I use exactly just like the example

GET /v1/navdata/packages?format=example-format&package_status=current HTTP/1.1

Authorization: Bearer <access-token>

(with received <access-token> from previous auth ofcourse). but the response from server is just [] no error or whatsoever

if use that access_token for chart API GET /v2/charts/NZWN?version=STD HTTP/1.1 that access-token work just fine

am I missing something? my account is “Navigraph Unlimited”.
and I have checked I got “fmsdata” subscription (from decoded JWT), and during POST /connect/token HTTP/1.1 authorization, I included the scope of fmsdata

I also checked using postman webapp, the result is the same, no response for navdata API, but work just fine for chart API

hey @uraymeiviar,

was just notified by marten about this post, it seemed to have fallen in between the chairs here :confused: we’ll continue the discussion on Discord

Kind regards,


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