Multiplayer help

Hi, When we were at the FlightSim Expo in Vegas this past year and were talking with the staff at Navigraph. We asked on the update on multiplayer if we would be able to see each other, ie on JoinFS for example, not Vatsim or IVAO and there wou;d be a way to dioscount other aircraft except just a group you were flying with as an option. We were told that would be available when they did an update in November. We can see where you click on the aircraft to bring them up ie vatsim or ivao, but no other options. Is that something that’s still in the works? Thank you in advance. Respectfully, Bill

Hi @Eal490,

What was initially planned for the November release was to see all our Simlink traffic in addition to the online networks, enabling you to see all other Navigraph users in addition to the online networks which is probably what you discussed with the team. This feature was also part of the demo at FSExpo. After FSExpo we expanded the functionality for the online networks and some more work is needed on our side to get Simlink traffic in parity with those features so that is why we did not release it in November. It is still on the roadmap, as well as filtering of aircraft. Currently the main focus is to optimize performance and stability further and then we will look into adding additional features.

Kind regards,


awesome and thank you on the info.

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