MSFS Working Title CJ4 Refresh with Navigraph charts?

Hi. Yes, see WT code now open source. - #2 by stephen



Been a while, but as far as I’m aware, the latest SU15 updated something in the code for the MFD to make it kinda open source? Does that mean there is a possibility of seeing the charts come back to the CJ4 soon?

Yes and no!

99% of the requirements needed to make this integration are now available. We are waiting for the last 1%, which WT has promised to include in one of the last updates before the release of FS2024. It was initially supposed to be included in SU15, but I assume they had to prioritize other things.

We are definitely keeping an eye on this situation, though!

Kind Regards,

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would like kindly ask, if there are any news? Did they update anything prior FS24 release?



No, they unfortunately did not. Perhaps we’ll get a retroactive update, although I doubt it.

Kind Regards,

Ok thanks. I was afraid that that would be the Situation :see_no_evil: