MSFS missing LFRS Initial approach RNAV RWY03


I am a very satisfied user of Navigraph data and charts.
I was flying the FBW A32NX into LFRS RWY03 yesterday. For LFRS 03 there is both a conventional initial approach chart and a RNAV initial approach chart. I was unable to find the RNAV one I wanted to fly in the MCDU.
After selecting the ILS approach for 03 and the STAR VALA1C, I am prompted with VIA. I tried either NEDAN or DOGOV but it only loads the conventional initial approach and not the RNAV one.

Of course all data updated.

Hope you may help me,

Edit : I may have misunderstood the chart, the RNAV initial approach is maybe only available when flying the RNP 03 Approach, hence not available with ILS approach selected.


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Hi Pierre,
I have tried to load the R03 approach in the latest FBW A320 stable version and I see all correct VIAs

… also, when I select the VALA1C arrival with the R03 approach:

What FBW version do you use? Have you checked it also with the WT CJ4 mod as an example, because as you see the data should be available and also selectable.


… I have tried the same in the WT CJ4 (latest version) - which use a own flightplan management and not that stock flightplan management (which is full of bugs):

R03 / VALA1C - R03 via NEDAN - leg list:


The sequences are looking good so far and also the constraints, incl. the missed approach.



Thanks for the answer.

I edited my post : For the RNAV initial approach to be loaded you need to select the RNAV app. It does not work with ILS approach as per chart. For ILS it is only conventional initial approach. So everything is fine, my mistake.


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