MSFS - Charts In-Game Panel panel not supported

Just bought the H145 by HPG but the Navigraph integretion isn’t working on the tablet. I get a Not supported message:

This version of Navigraph Charts is no longer supported. In the Navigraph Navdata Center app, please update the Charts In-Game Panel panel to the latest version.

Does it have something to do with V8 compatibility or something?
Everything is up to date ine the NAvigraph Hub and Simlink is running.


Hi! Welcome to the forum!

The developers behind the addon that you mentioned never reached out to us and asked for permission to include our app directly. We decided to not do anything about it in this case, but we have since released Charts 8 which renders the old version Not supported!

So yes, your guess is correct! We don’t maintain this old version and we don’t maintain the aircraft integration, so unfortunately I can’t help you further - sorry about that!

Kind Regards,

Understood, thanks !

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