Most VVCR STARs missing

Hi Joona,
the reason is simple, the default scenery is incomplete because in the sim you see only one runway 02L/20R

… but in real, you have two runways 02L/20R and 02R/20L:

The logic in the sim is now, when the sim can´t assign a procedure to a runway (because the runway isn´t available in the sim or the runway-ident is differ), then the sim suppress/disable all STARs for this airport. The STARs are included in the data, but not visible due this internal sim logic. Sorry.

There are a few examples here in the forum, but one is PHNL:

As soon, as the runways are available, you will see the STARs also immediately (as in the PHNL posting describe). Sorry, but thats not a navdata issue.
