Missing SIDs in A330 XP12

I’m on PC.

I have downloaded the latest AIRAC cycle for xp12 default A330 but when I load into any plane some SIDs are missing. Can anyone help? It’s across all aircraft.

please can you give us an example … on which airport, do you miss what SID …

Thank you,

At LAX it’s TRTON4 departure is one.

Thanks for the example but sorry, not reproduce able - I have checked it with the default 737:

Here you see the TRTON2 departure:


Did you try it on the A330? That’s where I came across the issue initially.

I’ll send a screenshot of what I see.

Your initial report was “Missing SIDs” in XP12 - no word about any aircraft. Now you wrote anything about an A330 …

It is hard to know which A330 you mean, therefore for further help please give us all information - you find a help posting here:

Thank you

I’ve updated it accordingly and it’s the default a330

The same result with the default A330:

Sorry, I still can´t reproduce it … all stock aircrafts use the same database in the background.


According the charts, not valid for this runway … Therefore not selectable.


Ohhhh well I’m stupid (RW commercially instrument rated pilot) sorry for wasting your time.

But I installed the data manager into XP12 correctly. Right?

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Yes, it looks ok and correct …


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