Missed appch at LOWI - Prosim737 data

The missed approach segments in the “Prosim737 2.24b1 (and above)” FMC (manual download) do not reflect what is in the charts, specifically:

1/ LOC DME East App - the missed approach segment in the FMC shows vectors after missed appch, rather than the chart’s left turn to RUM, then out to RTT

2/ RNP Y 08 has the approach fixes WI006 and WI005 on the missed approach segment, ie after RWY 08, WI006 WI005 WI103, whereas the 1st wpt after RWY 08 should be WI103

Is it possible to show us the FMS leg pages and also what you see on the ND, for both examples.

Thank you

Hi Richard, thx and yes of course. I just moved from AIRAC 2407 to 2408 and the LOC DME East approach is all sorted, the MAP segment is perfect.

RNP Y 08 still has the problem. Here is the FMC page up to WI814 which is all fine:-

and here is the associated ND, where you can see WI006 doubling back from the rwy as part of the MAP segment (blue line) whereas on the chart it is part of the APP segment

Here is the FMC rwy and MAP segment, you can see that after the rwy the nexr wpt should be WI103 as per the Chart, but it actually has WI006 and WI005

and here is the associated ND where you can see the doubling back:

Hi again,
Thank you very much for the update and the screenshots. It seems more an ProSim Implementation issue somewhere.

I have checked the LOC DME East between 2407 and 2408. The data are exactly the sane between both cycles, so it looks ProSim had fixed it.

To the RNP-Y 08 approach:
I also assume here a ProSim issue. The data are correct in the database, but this procedure is special because there is no runway segment included in our source.

On your legs page, I see RW08 after WI814, which isn’t included in our data and of course wrong. So I assume ProSim “add” the runway (if missing) after the MAP, which is nonsense here.

Not sure if my analyze is correct, but fact is, that we haven’t this RW18 waypoint after the MAP in the ProSim database what we offer. So, it must be added by ProSim somewhere.

Here, directly from the ProSim database:

You see, no runway RW08 inside, the WI814 is defined as MAP (it´s in another column), but after the MAP WI006 is following in the sequence.

Sorry, but please report this to ProSim, it seems a bug again in their Implementation of the new data format. I don’t see any navdata issue in the data.

Hope that helps

Thanks! On the Chart, WI814 is indeed the MAP point. So I presume that Prosim assumes that the next fix will be the runway, so they insert that. Then anything that comes afterwards Prosim assumes is a MAP segment, ie from WI006 onwards, whereas WI006 and WI005 are in fact just additional fixes after the MAP point but before the runway.

I have opened a ticket with Prosim and cross-referenced this thread

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