hi Ian when in world map i used load/save ok works great but when i load into airplane the MFD freezes and I cant control the range knob or the next knob the changes to the arc or flt pln configuration
This has been happining since this new Navigraph update I still have old version saved flight plans that work great once i spawn into the aircraft and the range knob works fine
would you have any ideas why this is happeninig
Once I load navigraph into the world map and the load into the airplane. I lose the ability to use the range knob on the MFD.
please help
Is this for MSFS?
For which aircraft?
Please post screenshots using showing the issue Guide to posting Screenshots
Please upload a simple flight plan which causes the behaviour.
Compliments of the Season.
I just resolved this issue My aircraft is the 320 neo and the range knob wouldn’t
work after loading in a flight plan So what I did was load the flight plan onto another aircraft and it worked fine So then I went back and re loaded in the A320 neo and loaded the flight plan in range knob works again So I geuss it was just a glich but i’m not really sure.
Glad it is resolved.
Happy flying.
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