Many Items missing on map with filter in default on VFR and IFR maps

Hi there,
I have the problem this morning, that there are no or just a few information’s on the VFR, IFR low/high map. All the filters setting is default. But you can see how it looks like on the screen shot.
Disconnecting from the Navigraph page and reloading the page did not solve change the situation.

Charts ar not affected, They look fine.

Best Regards, Kurt


Could you download and install the latest version from Navigraph and see if it makes a difference?



Hallo Stepfen,
the Windows download version is fine but the cloud version is still not working fine.
When I push the launch button, it ends up in the view I show to you in the screen shot.
But I can use the Windows App.
Does the Windows App update itself after some changes or do I have to reinstall it?

Regards, Kurt.


The Windows app should update itself.

For the Cloud version, please clear your browser cache and then refresh the page.



I have a similar issue and unfortunately clearing the browser cache for domain did not help.

Is there any way to get it to work without wiping out all my cache and settings across all websites?

Hello again,

just an update… to clear / clean all browser cache was working fine for me.
Both, Windows App and cloud are back to normal.
Thx for your help. Again quick and on the spot. BRAVO.

Regards, Kurt.

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Clearing just the cache should not affect any settings or logins for websites. It is just the locally stored content (images/files) that is cleared. The red circled option in Chrome for example:

Otherwiser, the cache should be cleared for which is the full site URL. But safer to clear the full cache.


Ah, cache not cookies. Ok, thanks for the tip.