LTFJ ILS Z 06L Chart

This is kinda weird but in LTFJ ILS Z for RWY 06R chart is bugged i guess. Whenever i try to open this chart it says INOP in chart desktop but not the other charts. I use the lastest updated app.

For more information I cant open in my android phone Chart app too, in MSFS PMDG 777-300ER EFB it shows the chart but its in cache i guess bec it shows a loading icon and not in the other charts.

Yepp… Same problem. That specific chart cant be shown on in all devices. (iPad, PC etc all platforms)

Hello! Thanks for the report.

This is now fixed again!

This issue keeps coming back with each new cycle, sorry about the inconvenience. We are looking into the cause, and hope that it will be permanently fixed soon!

Kind Regards,

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