LOWI RNAV Approach with Airac 2101

Hi everyone,
First of all, I’d like to thank you for all that great job. Flyng with Navigraph is a real pleasure.

I tried recently to practice a RNAV 08 Z approach at Innsbruck (LOWI). Tried twice actually. Unfortunately, passing ELMEM, 175kts and 13000ft, activating the APPR phase on the autopilot panel and the aircraft doesn’t follow the right path of descent (around 700ft/minute instead of something around 1100ft/min I think). Arriving way too high above the airport. I actually was flying the Flybywire A32NX. Is is a known issue ? Did I miss the installation of the nav data (Beta) ? I can see the folder Navigraph on my community folder and looks like it appears on my addons menu on MSFS…

Thank you for your answer.

Hi Raphaël,
thank you very much for your kind words - great to hear such positive feedback. Thank you very much for that from the whole Navigraph Team.

To your report:
RNAV approaches are general a little bit difficult in the sim because they aren´t really working very well (there are a lot of reports in the official MS flightsim forum). There are currently some limitations/restrictions in the sim, which avoid a good, constant and correct fully RNAV approach.

The FBW A320 is a good mod but they are currently using the flightplan-engine of the sim which includes these limitations. I know, that they are working on an own developed flightplan-engine for their A320 mod. In the meantime, I can recommend your the Working-Title CJ4 mod. The WT CJ4 doesn´t use the flightplan-engine of the sim, they had developed their own one and this works great. It´s worth a try for this kind of approaches. No one is perfect and also the WT guys are working hard to improve the quality of their work from patch to patch, but at the moment (in the current stable version) it´s on of the best and accurate mods which are available for the new sim. Of course the FBW A320 is also a good mod and they are also working hard to improve their quality and to go away from the internal sim-engine to be “free” of these restrictions/limitations.

Sorry, can´t say more about that - only try the WT CJ4 :wink:

Hi again,
Thanks a lot for that quick answer ! Waiting for new releases so… And I’ll have a look at that famous CJ4 !

Best regards

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