Low enroute map not working in spain chart

In the Navigraph Charts application the LOW ENROUTE function does not work in Spain. It is not a problem with the program, it is with the database. I have tested the program in the area of Portugal or France, and in these areas the low airways are seen correctly.

Good afternoon. A few months ago I sent a message, but I have not received a response. I have subscribed to Navigraph for a few years (with maps and Jeppesen) and there is a problem with the airway database in the Spain area in the Windows application.

When switching between the LOW ENROUTE and HIGH ENROUTE options on the map, there is practically no change in the airway drawing, keeping the name of the airways and the FL the same. Do you know why this problem exists? As I told you in my previous message, this does not happen in Portugal or France.


Sorry for overlooking your previous message.

It is not an error, it is how the airway network looks in Spain. See Low Enroute Chart not appearing - #4 by stephen for a previous thread.



Hi Stephen:

Do not worry no problem. I am a private pilot and I am the Operations manager of a pilot school at the Cuatro Vientos airport in Madrid (Aeris Gestión).

I already imagined that it would not be a mistake. But even if the airways don’t change between high and low, it would be interesting if the names of the airways and the FL changed. I imagine it will be a Jeppesen database issue.

Anyway thank you very much for the answer… and I will continue to be a Navigraph customer for my X-Plane :blush:

Best regards

Miguel Sisó


Mobile Phone: +34 656 444 279




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