Login/Logout Simlink

Hello Support

I am trying to use Navigraph Simlink and when I Sign In Successfully, Simlink Login and then Logs Out

The other item is Simlink has automatically logged in with no issues, other than the occasional dropped session which a login addressed the issue.

This was working until 2 days ago 1/23/24

I am running latest version of Simlink, and Unlimited subscription


Rick S.

Hello! Welcome to our forum.

Please make sure that your computer clock is synchronized. Do you use any kind of antivirus?

Kind Regards,

Hello Malte

Yes I had installed Norton, but I have since remove it and done the time sync

Still no joy - seems I get sign in and then out right away

I have checked the log and its still complaining about time sync even though I sync it right before I try to sign in :frowning:

I have even rebooted a couple of times

I even reinstalled after I removed Norton


Rick S.

Could you upload the log file here so that we can take a look?

What are the steps that you take to synchronize the clock? What does this website say about how much behind/ahead your clock is?

Kind Regards,

Here is details from today 1/27/2027 first entry

[2024-01-27 13:48:22] [] [INFORMATION] OIDC_refresh_tokens_CALL
[2024-01-27 13:48:22] [] [INFORMATION] OIDC_start_hybrid_flow_CALL
[2024-01-27 13:48:41] [] [INFORMATION] OIDC_authorization_code_flow
[2024-01-27 13:48:41] [] [ERROR] LoginController::login_oidcError[7][We had problems authenticating your account. Please check that your computer time is correct and try again.]

In this screenshot, “Set time zone automatically” is turned off. Please turn it on, and press the “Sync now” button that should then be available!

Also, please check this as well:

Kind Regards,

I setup time zone and click sync again - still not joy

Where on the web will it say I am “out of sync”, which seems odd as to why would my time matter to logging into the service

never mind I seen your link, which says 4 minutes, of which I go back to question why does/should this matter

Well I was just now able to get logged in

Now seems I have extra step when using Navigraph link as I would say this is a bug

Thanks for the help

4 minutes is a lot when it comes to keeping your communications with our servers secure. That is why you were unable to sign in - our servers denied your connection because your time was off.

That’s great, I am happy to hear it!

What is the extra step? If your time is in sync, you should only have to follow the normal login process. Is that still not the case?

Kind Regards,