Location of Tivat and Podgorica Airports

Just for correctness’s sake. Your maps apps lists these airports as being in Serbia-Montenegro. For a couple of years now, Montenegro is an independent country.

Please correct your data entries. I am based in Austria and currently exploring this area in X Plane and will go there in the near future.

Thanks for your excellent tools.

Hi Wolfgang,

We are investigating…



…there is just no country “Serbai-Montenegro” anymore.


Hi Wolfgang,

It turns out that splitting Serbia-Montenegro in the databases is very complex for our supplier. They have it on their list for a planned update but we don’t have a set timeline for the update.


OK, no big deal: if it’s on the list, it’s fine for us SIMmers. In real life such inaccurate information might cause problems (e.g. which aviation authority is actually providing chart information, etc. I guess there are now two separate AIPs in effect).
There is still some joint effort: https://smatsa.rs/wp-content/uploads/aip/trenutna_publikacija/2023-09-07/start_page.html

Congrats for the recent great update for the Navigraph maps).

Kind regards