LFPB : STAR non règlementaire

La STAR LFPB : Rnav OKABO6E RWY07 n’est pas règlementaire ; celle ci doit éviter le survol de la zone P23 alors que la STAR OKABO6E que vous publiez prévoit un direct du point PB505 au point PB407 (287°) traversant cette zone interdite
Bien cordialement


Hi Yves,


Please post in English.


The STAR LFPB : RNAV OKABO6E RWY07 is not regulatory ; this one must avoid the overflight of the zone P23 whereas the STAR OKABO6E that you publish foresees a direct from point PB505 to point PB407 (287°) crossing this forbidden zone.
PB505 to PB407 (287°) crossing this forbidden zone.


Hi Yves,
there are no connection between PB505 and PB407 on the OKA6E transtion for the LOC07 into LFPB in our database. The PB505 leg is defined as “manual termination” leg which simple means a “vector” … you see this also on our charts:

Here, the leg page of the CJ4:

You see the last waypoint is the PB505 and the next is a “vector” which creates the “discon” - there are no additional waypoint between the PB505 and the CF07. So the data are identically to the charts.


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