Current Airac 2213 and was also present in last cycle.IF is YOMAN and doesn’t appear as an IF, only GREKO does and it appears twice.

Happy New Year and sorry for the delay to answer your question.

I can confirm the double entries - this procedure is really special because there are two ILS or LOC approaches for runway 22, but one of the two are for helicopter and this approach starts at GREKO - the ILS or LOC 22 approach for airplanes are starting at YOMAN.

ILS or LOC 22 for airplanes:

ILS or LOC 22 for helicopter:

The problem here is now, that there is no possibility to set a flag, if this is a helicopter or airplane procedure in the MSFS dataset. So, the only way for us in this case is, to disable such copter procedures but than we lost this information for our helicopter guys in the MSFS. Therefore we had decided to include such procedures (at least, when they are not explicit defined as helicopter procedures only).

At the moment, we can´t do anything for that - again, there is no possibility in the MSFS to “say” if this procedure is for airplanes, for helicopters, or for both types. Therefore, the double entries …

So, you must delete the “wrong” waypoints manually at the moment, till ASOBO/WT offers us a solution to “sign” the procedures for each type.


Wow, I’m amazed that I got a reply over a holiday weekend, thank you! Thanks too, for the explanation about the two plates but I’m puzzled that Navigraph would prioritize helicopter pilots over fixed wing pilots on IFR plates. On VATSIM I don’t think I’ve ever encountered an IFR helicopter and I’m usually not alone flying a fixed wing aircraft on this specific approach. To ostracize a substantial part of the community flying into a large commercial hub for the sake of theoretical user set seems odd. I subscribed to Navigraph when MSFS launched due to the accuracy of the data that was offered, i’m concened about this direction. Best wishes and again, thank you for the time.

Edited to go get more information before making a decision.

Hi again,
I have now found a way to “remove/disable” such helicopter procedures from the MSFS database. We are working now on the implementation and we will release a 2nd revision of this cycle as soon as possible. Hope this helps to make the right decision :wink:

I will keep this topic open, till this is fixed and till we have released the new data.


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Thank you for the consideration and for finding an alternative work around in MSFS. I can only imagine how much of your day is spent puzzling out solutions. Thanks for the communication as well!

Hi again,
so, we have implemented and tested our solution now. Revision 2 is out, which should solve your issue with the wrong IF (or better the double entries).

Here the leg page from the FBW A320 FMC, AIRAC 2213 rev. 2 - KLGA ILS22 selected:

We have implemented this as a “general” solution now. Please give it a try and let us know, if it´s really fixed - it should :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for the report, your time and your patience

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