KHEE Rnav Rwy 18

Today I was flying the Rnav to Rwy 18 at KHEE. This is an interesting one because as near as I can tell the airport is not closed, nor are either unway, but in MSFS runway 17/35 (now numbered 18/36 in the real world) have yellow x’s.

Anyways, long story short, flying the approach arriving at 1900’ msl at BILAC I turned inbound. I armed approach in the G3000 (Cirrus Vision Jet) and began the approach. However, at HIVDA the GP had not even come alive yet. More interestingly, when I showed at HIVDA in charts I was not at HIVDA in sim.

Further, I cross HIVDA in sim and still didn’t have GP, which per the profile view is when it should have been active.

GP became active at 1900’ at about BAFZU, and then proceeded to remain very very high

It was here that I realized I was high, transitioned to a visual approach, and was able to stabilize on about a 5 degree approach to the runway.

I don’t believe that BAFZU was 2.2nm from the runway threshold.

I don’t know if this is misplaced waypoints in the navdata or if this is MSFS having the airport in the wrong place. I did double check that I had the current navigraph airac installed.

In the end I treated this as a failed GPS approach but wanted to report the possible data issue.

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