To the Navigraph/Simbrief team, thanks for an awesome product that has provided years of great performance planning results!
As I move ahead in my real world aviation career, I have begun to integrate how I fly into my simming also. One aspect of that is runway performance data. Before each flight, I check performance numbers to make sure I can make a safe takeoff and climb out, and landing.
In Simbrief, there’s only one format that I can use that also provides runway analyses, and I was wondering if you guys might be able to integrate that Aerodata runway analysis into all OFPs given the option is checked… would that be possible? If so, I would love to see it, or something like it!
I would also absolutely love to see an Aerodata-style TLR integrated either into the OFPs, or as a separate data-output for OFPs from operators using an EFB based calculator. As most of my flying is simulating US operators, EFB-OPT style apps aren’t realistic (outside of AJT and maybe a handful of others). Currently the only options are TOPCAT (outdated) or the JBU OFP which doesn’t include ETOPS info.
Since Simbrief already has the option to calculate performance data, it’s a no brainer to allow users to generate it regardless of OFP layout.