In game panel version issue

i seem to be having an issue with my in-game panel. navigraph hub is reporting v8.5 is installed and when i open the in-game panel it’s reporting v8.34. i went looking for some of the new features (like land mass depiction, etc) and couldn’t find them. assuming that’s related to the versioning issue.

i have uninstalled the in-game panel from the hub and reinstalled but i continue to run into the same problem. i have attached screenshots of various things that i think might help troubleshoot.


Hello! Welcome back to our forum!

This is normal, albeit a bit unintuitive, unfortunately. The two versions that you are mentioning are for different things! I’ll try to clarify the difference:

  • v8.5 - The toolbar panel itself, including simulator integrations. Updated through the Hub.

  • v8.34.0 - The Charts interface (which you interact with). Updated automatically over-the-air.

The second version (Charts interface) should stay in sync with our desktop application as well as the web app ( The panel itself (installed through the Hub) is very rarely updated.

Unfortunately, the solar terminator has not made it to the panel due to technical limitations. The panel runs a special version of Navigraph Charts which currently does not support this layer. We are still trying to find workarounds!

Land mass depictions should be in there though - and it looks like it is showing up in your last screenshot. Is there anything you are missing?

Let me know if something is still unclear; I will happily elaborate!

Kind Regards,

thank you - sorry for the confusion!

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