In Game Navigraph Chart

Sorry first time here.

Out of the sudden my in game Navigraph Charts notify me that I am in Demo Mode. Tried to reconnect using code given but all I got was 404 error.

I can however use the manual navigraph chart and all is working fine.

I read around past similar topics and uninstall/reinstalled SimLink and Navdata and restart pc but to no avail. Newly registered Ultimate account

I can still use it but prefer if I can use the In Game Panel as well.

Thank you in advance.


We’re investigating. Please standby.



Please try again now!



Issue is back. IN game charts don´t work. Error shown as above. Also NavDataCEnter shows no addons detected.

Got the same problem with simbrief…
Cant login

Same here, the JF146 EFB is very broken cos of whatever this issue is!

Same here. Server not responsive. In game toolbar app not responding.

We had some additional issue, but the problems are finally resolved now. Please try again.

We’re sorry for the downtime.



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Just performed another clean uninstall on both NavData Centre and FMS Data Manager, restarted pc and reinstalled both and all is good now.

Many thanks

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