I have an Unlimited subscription and I can’t access the chart app on my tablet
What Tablet, running what Operating System and Version.?
What version of Charts (Desktop, iOS, Android, Cloud)?
Screenshot help using Guide to posting Screenshots
Sansung 10.1 p5200 andorid v7.1.2
Navigraph App v 8.35.0 on Goolge store
Shows a warning that an unlimited subscription is required to use the app…
I have an unlimited subscription
We have seen, that you have two Navigraph accounts. The MSN mail account (which you are using here) has an active Ultimate Subscription, the second one, the GMAIL mail account not.
Possible you try to sign in with your google account instead of your MSN mail address.
So try to login manually with your MSN mail address please.
PS: I would also recommend to delete your second (GMAIL google) account to avoid such issues in the future
Yes, my friend… exactly that, I was logging in with an account that is not unlimited… I apologize for my lack of attention and thank you for your prompt service and willingness to help…
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