Hub not signing in multiple times

i Guys,
I cannot log into the Hub. I click Sign in and the new tap to log in with username and password open. I fill in my login credentials and iam in. After I approve the link of my account and get following message: “Navigraph Hub was successfully linked with your Navigraph account. You can now close this window.” After a few seconds I am back on the “Sign In” page in the Hub. Tried it a few times, also I checked topics similar to my problem and tried some things:

Different Browser: Firefox, Chrome, Edge
-Sync Clock
-Deinstallation of all Navigraph products and delete temp folders
-Administrator Privileges
Thanks for help

Hello Guys, I have the problem that I want to sign in in Navigraph Hub. I try to login and the get the message yo can now close this window. But after all of this steps in the navigraph hub stand sign in agin. I tried to reinstall the app and to open it with admin but it doesnˋt work. Can anyone help me please?

Hey @Juliussssss,

Please try this version of the Hub and see if it helps:

Kind regards,


It doesn´t work.

Sorry, I posted the wrong link by mistake :open_mouth:

Try this one: Dropbox

Kind regards,


It works, Thank you very much.

Do you know the problem with the Hub?


Navigraph Hub from downloadpage is not working, only new signin is showing, please check. version from dropbox was fine. Best regards

The Dropbox version is a Beta build which will eventually make its way to the download page.



Correct, there will be a new official release soon :slight_smile:

Kind regards,
