Hard-to-reach altitudes in Flightplan

for testing the Performance and doing some changes in my Aircraft i flew often EDDP-EDDW.
Now, as of the Flightplan, i should be very high at
DP527 - 6800ft
DP528 - FL128

That seams very high for me and is not reachable.
Is this a real Flightplan and are this Altitudes reachable with the real Airplane ( B737-800NG )?
Maybe i did any wrong settings, but i can not find anything related to that.

EDDPEDDW_PDF_1707902008.pdf (536.6 KB)


SimBrief’s intermediate climb altitudes are not meant to be exact. However the TOC time and distance should be reasonably accurate.

This is most noticeable under about 12,000ft, since SimBrief doesn’t fully consider the acceleration phases after takeoff and above 10,000 when it is estimating crossing altitudes. There is no practical benefit to doing so anyways, as long as the total climb distance, time, and fuel is accurate. Real-world pilots don’t look at these waypoint crossing altitudes from the OFP, and in fact many OFP layouts don’t even show crossing altitudes for this reason.

Regarding your specific OFP, the DP527 and DP528 altitudes seem a bit optimistic indeed. But PENEM at FL183 should be quite possible depending on the climb speed and aircraft weight.

Best regards,

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thanks a lot for explaining this !
I changed the Values of my FM to nearly match that real FPL Values.


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