Greater Freedom around Custom Waypoints

I love the custom waypoint creation feature in Navigraph, I use it all the time in VFR flight plans to stick points down where there are easily discernible ground features like towns, lakes, forests, and all sorts of others.

Right now whenever you plop a custom waypoint down, it will appear in the “navigation map layer” by default. To my knowledge there’s no way to change that.

It would be great if we could have the ability to toggle whether our custom waypoint is a VFR or IFR waypoint, so that when we use filters on the map and exclude the VFR ones, all of my custom VFR waypoints don’t still appear!


This a good idea. What i miss the most in foreflight is to hold down on a way point and it gave me the option to move it to a different waypoint and or delete it. This helped tremendously when getting vectored or rerouted.

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