Wondering when the G1000 for Xbox will be updated with Charts and Checklist.
Hello Jeff! Welcome to the forum.
As mentioned in the blog post, XBox users will find the plugin in those addons that decide to integrate it! There are currently no published addons that do this, but a few are in development - such as the upcoming FSReborn Piper M500, for example.
Unfortunately, this is currently the only option as there is no way for Navigraph to publish the plugin for XBox directly. The plugin would work perfectly without any issues on XBox as well, but Microsoft will not let us upload it to their marketplace at the moment.
We’re sorry about this, but there is nothing that Navigraph can do about it. We have asked Microsoft to let us do it and they have said that they will look into it, but it is currently “on hold” on their side.
We’re always happy to help developers integrate our plugins, and it is super easy to do it! If there is any particular addon that you would like to see an integration for, contact the developers and let them know that we would be happy to help them make it happen!
Kind Regards,
Thank you. For now in lieu of a pc I’ll have to make due with the Hjet and Vision Jet available to buy on Xbox. They both support Naviigraph.
Have you reached out to the WTI team about having them upload it with the latest versions of the G1000nxi and others to the Marketplace? I suspect their relationship with MS/Asobo could help get this vital package integrated into all aircraft using the G1000 based glass cockpts.
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