FSX:Steam: Correct path for Navigraph Simlink?

I’m stymied on getting Moving Maps to work, so I’m re-installing(10x) SimLink; the install path shows that it is going into “Program Files/Navigraph.”

But, the Simlink interface shows the following c:\Path:
Flight Simulator X:Steam Edition
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX

Doug Pelton

The Navigraph Simlink app should be installed into the default folder suggested during installation (Program Files/Navigraph).

Simlink installs plugins into your simulator. It should be handled automatically by Simlink. Right click the tray icon and choose Plugin Settings:

If you believe the path is incorrect for your FSX installation then press Scan & Install. Then Close.

If you still have problems getting Simlink to run then please show a screenshot of your “Simlink Status” screen (the General tab).



Thanks for your help, Stephen: Before downloading new Simlink, I also deleted the AppData/Romaning…NavigraphSimlink folder. Then I downloaded and installed Simlink per default. Still, it is not finding my FSX/Steam sim—virus turned off, Windows Defender Off, no VPN.
